PRO Numbers can include a check-digit at the end that allows the integrity of the number to be verified. When you enter these check-digit pro number blocks, only enter the range of digits provided, the check digit will automatically be calculated.
What Carriers does BrokerWare have PRO number check-digit calculation enabled for?
- AAA Cooper (8 digits / 9th check digit)
- Estes (10 digits / 11th check digit)
- FedEx (9 digits / 10th check digit)
- Old Dominion Freight Line (10 digits / 11th check digit)
- R&L Carriers (8 digits / 9th check digit)
- RoadRunner (8 digits / 9th check digit)
- SAIA (11 digits / 12th check digit)
- Standard Forwarding (8 digits / 9th check digit)
- UPS/TForce (8 digits / 9th check digit)
- XPO (8 digits / 9th check digit)