Accessorials are charges for additional services performed by the carrier beyond the essential services of pick-up and delivery of a shipment. These services are typically optional or they may be required/requested by the shippers or consignees to meet specific requirements or provide additional convenience or value.
Here are some common accessorials:
- Liftgate Service
- Inside Delivery
- Residential Delivery
- Detention or Waiting Time
- Redelivery or Reconsignment
- Fuel Surcharge
- Expedited Service
- Accessorial Handling
- Customs Clearance
- Single Shipment Charge
- A single shipment with an actual weight of less than 500 pounds picked up at one time and place, unaccompanied by any other shipment of any description from the same pickup site, will be subject to a charge of X amount per shipment, in addition to all other lawfully applicable charges